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Лазерний перфоратор

Лазерний перфоратор. Сергій Н. Кияниця, Юрій Е. Безродний, Сергій Б. Кононов, Віта В. Іванова. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3888 (2000).
Ключові слова: С02-laser, laser perf


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Повний опис

Лазерний перфоратор. Сергій Н. Кияниця, Юрій Е. Безродний, Сергій Б. Кононов, Віта В. Іванова. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3888 (2000).
Laser equipment for the perforation of documents and securities is presented. This laser perforator (LP) differs by
extendend precision of perforation, high processing velocity, perfected automatic control. LP's operation is based on the
preliminary theoretical and experimental research of laser irradiation and paper or/and organic tissue interaction. The results
of C02-laser irradiation action upon different materials and samples of documents allowed to determine system requirements
Developed LP is destined for perforation of paper documents with jackets with total thickness from 0,5 to 4 mm.
Processing document, LP makes more than 1 00 conical perforation holes that improve protection rate of document. LP
guarantees perforation time less than 3 sec, document's blank positioning precision mm, laser beam positioning
mm. Due to the system parameters optimization it became possible to eliminate a singeing of hole edge, that
improved perforation quality
Developed LP coiiists of laser-module, technological module, laser cooling module and automatic control system.
Laser module includes continuous Q-switched C02-laser, scanner, power supply, controller, chopper. Technological module
has X-Y-table, conveyer for blanks of documents, pneumatic block. Automatic control system, which includes two
videocameras, illuminators, controller, PC, gives a possibility to control holes disposition in a matrix and to identify
perforated number.
Ключові слова: С02-laser, laser perforation, controller, paper processing, securities protection rate