Research of reactive properties of multilayer foils and usage of them to reactive brazing
Надіслано: stasbeh August 11 2016 18:28:31

Bachelor thesis titled: Research of reactive properties of multilayer foils and usage of them to reactive brazing

made by: 4-th year student of group FF21 Kosiachkin Yehor

scientific adviser: Prof. Dr. Ustinov A.I.


This dissertation contains 53 pages. It has summary, listing of abbreviations, introductory chapter, 3 sections, conclusion and reference page. It has 25 illustrations, 3 tables and 32 sources were used during writing.

The theme is the research of reactive properties of multilayer foils and usage of them to reactive brazing.

Object of study – multilayer foils, in particular composite foils, and connections received by this foils.

Subject of study – reactive properties of multilayer foils.

Methods of research: temperature and speed were measured by 2 foto diodes (the temperature diode was graduated due to the range of typical temperatures of reactions).

The purpose research of reactive properties of foils in reactions of  thermal explosion and SHS.

The challenge – research of reactive properties of foils with different composition and parameters, comparison. Also, measurement of reactive properties of composite foils and comparison with same foils without solder. Receive of connections using these foils.

Relevance – offer of a method of local heating by using heat, that is released during reactions in multilayer foils, to solve a connection problems, where overheating is critical.


Main points of this work were published as theses of the report on the XIV-th Ukrainian scientific conference: "Theoretical and applied problems of physics, mathematics, and information technologies" and ІХ-th International coference for students, postgraduates and young scientists "Perspective technologies based on new physical and materials researches and computer material design"

Key words: reactive multilayer foils, reactive brazing, thermal explosion, SHS.